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Stoker's Wintergreen tiene un suave sabor a tabaco, con toques de gaulteria. La potencia de la nicotina es de 2 en una escala de 5, por lo que es normal.
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Stoker's Green

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Stoker's Tennessee Chew es un tabaco de mascar con un sabor húmedo que es satisfactorio y duradero.
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Stoker's Tennessee Chew

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Stoker's Straight tiene un sabor a tabaco puro. La potencia de la nicotina es de 2 en una escala de 5, lo que la hace normal.
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Stoker's Straight

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Stoker's Natural tiene un sabor a tabaco natural. La potencia de la nicotina es de 2 en una escala de 5, por lo que es normal.
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Stoker's Original

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Stoker's Ice Mint tiene un suave sabor a tabaco, con toques de menta. La potencia de la nicotina es de 2 en una escala de 5, por lo que es normal.
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Stoker's IceSTOKER'S
Stoker's chewing tobacco began as a family business by Fred Stoker and is now run by Bobby Stoker. Fred Stoker began producing and selling long-leaf tobacco in West-Tennessee (USA) in the early 1900's. Eventually, this evolved into a mail-order bulk tobacco business. The company's first chewing tobacco, 24-C, was released in the 1940's.
Differing from other manufacturers of chewing tobacco, Stoker's sells its chew in 16-oz bags, in contrast to the standard 3 oz. More recently, Stoker's has entered the dipping market with some great quality products. Smokeless tobacco is less harmful as smoking tobacco.